19 September 2016

Giveaway + A peek Into Our ‘Best of Interior’ – Blogger Trends Book

How do I start a post about a book I collaborated on?

I think that the first thing I want to share is my happiness and gratitude for being a part of it!


As I mentioned last week, we’ve met in Munich to celebrate the launch of ‘Best of Interior – Bloggers Trend’, the third book from the ‘Wohnen aus dem wahren leben’ series by the German publishing house Callwey Verlag.

Having it in my hands right now, flipping through its pages, admiring the beautiful homes, creative ideas and trend forecast by 15 international bloggers, who have contributed to it – makes me feel proud guys. Very proud! The book is curated by lovely Gudy HerderRicarda Nieswandt and Igor Josifovic and it’s a stunning collection of ‘real home ideas’, by us.

Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends

Have I already expressed how happy I am about this? There are times when I have to pinch myself and make sure it’s not a dream. If somebody told me three years ago I would collaborate on an interior book I would probably laugh (and laugh out loud some more) I hardly knew how to turn on my BIG camera back then. And interiors? It surely was my passion – but something I could do professionaly? Something that could become a part of a book? I know I am very excited about it, but when things go well, I can’t help but shout from the rooftops!

I’m really grateful I can share my happiness with you lovely people, who read my blog and connect through social media – thank you for being a part of Passion Shake adventures!

The launch took place on a beautiful tarrace at the Ambiente Direct where the book was presented for the first time, followed by the award ceremony – with three talented winners – ‘Best Interior Blog’ – Herz und Blut, ‘Best Creative Idea’ – Walfriedenstate and ‘Best Individual Style’ – my dearest ‘Avenue Lifestyle‘. In the book you can also find ideas from: House of Valentina, Sweet Living Interior, Fluxi on Tour, Britta Bloggt, Home Lifestyle, Lapinblu, Ich Liebe Deko, Raum Kroenung, Hege in France, Seelected and Mademoiselle Poirot. I think it was a truly wonderful evening for all of us – book contributors and many friends who joined us that day.

And now, I would like to show you a peek into what’s inside, including some of my images:

Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends

Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends

Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends


Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends

Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends

Best of Interior: Wohnideen aus dem wahren Leben. Die Blogger-Trends


Here’s how you can win your copy of ‘Best of Interior – Blogger Trends’:

BLOG – Leave a comment under the blog post saying why would you like to win the book.

and / or

INSTAGRAM – Tag 3 friends under the Giveaway post (on instagram) who would enjoy the book.

The giveaway is open to International readers, one lucky winner will be announced here, on 1st of October.

Good luck!


The winner of the giveaway lottery is…. @aboutthishouse! Congratulations! (Please get in touch with your contact details!)

Big thanks to everyone who participated and for all your lovely comments and words about the book!

Photos: Agata Dimmich / Passion shake



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  1. Ivana says:

    Dear Agata,

    Congratulations and thank you for this beautiful giveaway! I’d like to win this gorgeous book because I love interior design very much and I admire your work, design ideas and photography – I’ve learned so much from your tips and tricks about light and perspective.

    Best regards,

  2. Ida says:

    It looks gorgeous! Both the photos in the book and your photos of it – I would love to have it for the inspiring images and upcoming trends. Always best to learn from the pros! 😉
    Crossing my fingers and toes xo

  3. Lucie says:

    This is a great read! I’m a keen enthusiast of interior design and I love books above all. Instagram is great and it is a limitless source of inspiration, but nothing compares to the feeling of holding a book and flicking through it while smelling its peculiar and genuine smell of something that was made with love and attention. It’s like when an abstract notion becomes a very distinctive concrete thing. So, yeah, I’d love to have the book. 🙂

    • Aga says:

      Wise words Lucie, I truly hope there are more wonderful peple like you in this world who appreciate those little (yet very important!) aspects of life and the pleasure of reading! Wishing you a great weekend, full of inspiration!

  4. Congratulations, it looks great! I would love to win it to get more inspiration and read what you said.

    Ingrid | http://www.thatscandinavianfeeling.com

  5. Lori says:


    I love reading blogs online, but there’s truly nothing quite like an exceptional photo book!

  6. angela says:

    i want to win this book because i need all the help i can get. i am moving into my grandmothers old house soon. it has been sitting empty for years and needs WORK, its an old farmhouse and i am the only person in the known universe who’s style is not!

    • Aga says:

      It sounds very interesting Angela, I love this kind of projects as you can create something truly exceptional (and personal!). Looking forward to see more!

  7. Congratulations, the book looks fantastic! It’s the first time I am living alone in my own flat and I could redecorate it again and again. I get so many inspirations from everywhere and love to see what’s new and trending. I would love to have this book on my coffee table to flip through the pages and get some inspiration on what to get next for my very own four walls.


    • Aga says:

      Thank you so very much Janine! Same here, sometimes I wish I could stop! The feeling of decorating freedom is very addictive. I am sure you are enjoying it a lot! 🙂

  8. Dear Agata,

    I really would like to win this book,
    because I (my blog) was mentioned in this book by Susanne from Sweet Living Interior 😉
    So it would be perfect to have this book at home 🙂

    Best wishes

  9. Monica Fornes says:

    I would like to win this book to find inspiration to do something with my small readymade apartment. It looks like a lovely book

  10. Stephanie says:

    Agata, great news. I’m so happy for you and would love to win a copy to add to my interiors book collection.
    xx, Stephanie

  11. Sophie says:

    I would love to win this book to see how real people are styling there homes, because I haven’t sat down with a book in a while and there is something really indulgent in flicking the pages of a new book as opposed to scrolling through Instagram, because I have a blank white bedroom at the moment which is crying out for some inspiration and because im excited that a group of people who turned a hobby into a physical object, have all clubbed together in good old fashioned comradery to curate a (what’s looks like) beautiful book.

    … and I have a new shelf and seen a bookend I want, but to get the bookend, I need a book!

    • Aga says:

      I am SO incredibly happy that you appreciate the old fashioned way. High five! Also thank you so much for your encouraging words and joining the giveaway! I’m always super grateful to have like-minded, beautiful people like you here on the blog! Have a great weekend xo

  12. Meghan says:

    This book looks lovely, would love to look through it!

  13. Meghan says:

    Looks like so many great ideas!

  14. kelli says:

    this looks like such a gorgeous book! beautiful pictures and inspiration. would love to add this to my coffee table books.

  15. Thanks for sharing the best posts they amazing I am impressed by your site. you made a good site and giving us such a great information on this topic. it’s a very interesting one


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