21 March 2014

My kitchen and DIY chalkboard stand


Hello friends and happy Spring! Today I’m very excited to finally welcome you in my kitchen and show you around. I know that the visit is long overdue but as they say better late than never, right? So please make yourself at home and let’s begin.
Today we will be looking at only one side of the kitchen, as the other one is still ‘under construction’. Not literally of course but it’s waiting for a few more things, from the decorating list, to appear. Anyway, I couldn’t wait more to share with you, how it turned out after the renovation, so this is how it looks now!
What I love about our kitchen is that it’s very bright and cheerful. Even when it gets a little bit messy, which is quite often, it still makes me smile because I did everything as my original inspiration suggested. It’s Scandi, full of white and plenty of light, which I think is a good mix for a small space. Sorry, no kitchen island here.
So the general plan was to make it white, with mint accents and metro tiles. And now I can finally say it was successfully achieved. Hooray!

My initial and quite logical idea was to go with Ikea. I like Scandinavian design and our budget was quite limited, so yep, Ikea was definitely the right choice. I designed my kitchen using their online planner (aren’t I a pro designer?) and when I was ready to go and buy the cabinets it turned out – Ikea’s standards were not standard enough for our kitchen! Can you believe it? I couldn’t. I had a panic attack. And I almost broke in tears. There was no way the furniture could fit with the pipes we have in the kitchen. After twenty one cups of coffee, seven sleepless nights, discussing endless possibilities we decided to… get a custom-made furniture. Big upgrade. And yes, our budget was not happy with that. But there was no other choice if we wanted to stick to the original plan. The truth is good furniture cost money and if you buy the best, you will only cry once. So we did cry (and cry, and cry…) but now I’m extremely happy with the final result. Kitchenware:
I love the kitchens with open shelves displaying colorful collections of cups, mugs or tea pots, as it’s a great way to add color and surround yourself with meaningful things. But as much as I love the look, I don’t think I’m ready to keep it presentable at all times, so for now our little collections are hidden inside the capboards. One day, I’ll take some shots of what is inside.

Counter top accessories:
Our countertop display changes quite often due to limited countertop space. I wish I could display all my accessories at the same time but trust me it would look very cluttered. And less is more, right? One of the things I would never hide in the cupboard is my pink Bloomingville scale. It’s such a practical addition to the kitchen and it just looks so pretty!
Speaking about other accessories, as you probably noticed – here and here, I’m weirdly obsessed with wires these days so recently I got a wire basket and I’m sooo in love with it. They are so fun and functional, you can use to keep the vegetables, fruits or morning press. What would you keep inside?
Are you still here? Great job! I also have a little DIY for you to keep you entertained. Do you know the feeling of looking everywhere and not finding pen and paper to write a grocery list or a telephone number? Exactly. So to make my life easier I came up with a simple idea of chalkboard stand. All you have to do is paint the stand with the chalkboard paint, wait until it’s dry and note, note, note.

Well done! You made it through the whole tour + DIY. I was trying to keep my chat to the minimum and give a brief overview but I think it’s one of the longest posts I’ve ever written. If you have any questions, please ask in the comment section below. 

 What colors do you like in the kitchen?

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  1. Idada says:

    Your kitchen is beautiful and I love the story behind it, it made me laugh. To be honest it’s so much more Scandi than mine… and I’m the Swedish one here! 🙂 It looks very well organized, and I love the small pops of pastel colors… It’s sweet but balanced. I also like the butterfly decoration… I wish my kitchen was so cheerful. I think you just inspired me to make some changes 😉 Thanks and have a great weekend x

    • Aga Tinca says:

      If you say it’s Scandi, then it really must be true :)) Thank you, it’s so nice to hear that the final result is nice after all the adventures (…stress, sweat and tears!) we’ve had on the way. The butterfly is the fastest wall decoration ever, and if it gets dirty…than oh well, it can be easily replaced 🙂 Hugs!

  2. no widzisz jak świetnie sobie poradziłaś ??:)))))))) nawet szwedka Ci to powie :))))))))) piękna kuchnia i prawie taka jak sobie swoją wyobrażam kiedyś …ten druciany koszyk jest najlepszym zaczepnikiem ……..a wiesz ,że ja sobie w brodę pluję i pluć będę do końca dni moich , że nie wzięłam takiej właśnie starutkiej wagi ,z giełdy staroci …no piękna była …teraz będę o takiej marzyła i szukała jej wszędzie :)) no, a teraz obrócić się proszę z aparatem :))nie mówić, że nie skończone …before i after też się fajnie ogląda :))) buziole

    • Aga Tinca says:

      No jakoś daliśmy radę…ale nie było łatwo. Na początku wszystko wydawało się takie przyjemne (chodzi mi tu głównie o planowanie) a jak przyszło co do czego, to okazało się, że w dużej mierze nasze plany są fantazją. Oj działo się 😉
      Taka waga z giełdy staroci to dopiero coś 🙂 Rzeczywiście szkoda, bo na pchlim targu bardzo rzadko wagi widuję. Ja strasznie żałuję, że w zeszłym roku nie kupiłam takiego starego radyjka! No piękne było ale cena trochę mnie powaliła…może kiedyś gdzieś jeszcze znajdziemy nasze wymarzone skarby 🙂
      Nie ma czego fotografować, poza pustą ścianą. Ale obiecuję, że jak ją zapełnię, to wrzucę fotki before i after :))) Buziaki i dzięki za miłe słowa :)))

  3. właśnie u mnie ten sam powód cena …ale teraz myślę ,że mogłam odżałować, bo to było coś pięknego ….no ale właśnie może jeszcze kiedyś się natkniemy na podobne skarby 🙂 ja też dziękuję i całuję !!!!!

  4. p.s.a co do remontów ,to ja wiem że od marzenia od rzeczywistości dzieli czasem przepaść 🙂

  5. This is absolutely stunning! I love love your kitchen.

  6. Wszystko jest fantastyczne! Kocham ta kuchnię, jest piękna! Czysta, jasna, schludna i możesz być bardzo dumna!

  7. Anja says:

    Piękna jest, te biele i pastele, bosko!

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Mam słabość do pasteli więc nie mogło ich zabraknąć w kuchni… 🙂

    • Anja says:

      Ja też mam słabość, obecnie szczególnie do tej mięty, którą widzę tam u Ciebie na ścianie 🙂
      Moja kuchnia ma zaledwie 7 lat (jak dla mnie to mało) a ja już się nią znudziłam a przede wszystkim zmienił mi się pogląd co do kolorów i kolorów mebli, strasznie chciałabym ją zmienić właśnie na biele i pastele ale pomijając finanse to mam wrażenie, że niestety mój mąż miałby ale co do tego bo on jakiś takiś nienowoczesny i za tymi bielami nie przepada :/

  8. gentlejoy says:

    I love the light cheery look of your kitchen – So much nicer to work where it is not dark. Thank you for sharing this. 🙂

    • Aga Tinca says:

      So true. Our first apartment had kitchen inside the house without any direct windows so now I really appreciate sunlight coming in 🙂 Thanks for visiting xo

  9. What a gorgeous kitchen you have. It seems so light and beautiful and fresh. I really like the subway tiles you have used.

  10. I LOVE your kitchen! It.Is.Fabulous!!! Thanks for linking up at the Frugal Craft Home Blog Hop. Just wanted you to know I featured you on my FB page and this will be one of my features from the blog hop so make sure to stop by Sunday and grab your featured button. Also, Following you on your social media. Have a great day!

  11. Oh my goodness I absolutely ADORE your kitchen!!!

  12. Hi there!
    Thank you so much for linking up your beautiful kitchen makeover at the Link It or Lump It Link Party last week. You have beautiful photos and a beautiful space! I love it so much, I’ve picked it as one of my features this week. Come on over and check it out and grab a button! – Melissa

  13. I love how bright your kitchen is and the colour on the wall is one of my favourite.

  14. Beautiful kitchen! Thanks for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to check out your feature. http://www.thededicatedhouse.com/2014/03/make-it-pretty-monday-week-95.html Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  15. How gorgeous! I love the tile back splash. I love everything about it! Nicely done!

  16. I come to see the beauty of white again! Not only is the chalk board attractive, but the whole kitchen room. Brilliant!

    Sebastian Chuter

  17. Jon Snow says:

    I do agree with you. Your kitchen is indeed teeming with life. I love it. I think you have a very whimsical aesthetic in designing your kitchen that I would never be bored hanging out inside it. I love the choice of colors on the walls, as they’re white without looking too clinical. 😀

    Jon Snow @ Allure Window Treatments

  18. Faye says:

    Well this was last yr ( Today’s date 8.28.2015).. Did you finish your kitchen yet? I love what you did. I have a Coca Cola chalk board in my kitchen for the grocery list and I love it.. Yes I have a thing for Coke things.. Thanks for letting me peek in… Faye


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