7 January 2015

Hello 2015, Hello Portfolio Page.

9543b42268494126cb429cb8e07e226dNothing says Happy New Year better than a bottle of bubbly and the thousands of bubbling ideas to make the year special, so let’s begin with a cheers to that! Well, Hello 2015! How do you feel in the new year? Are you ready to rock it? Regardless how much I enjoyed the pyjamas-family-monopoly Christmas break I have really missed being here and connecting to all of you guys, so it’s time start again. It seems like I should be making all the responsible plans right now, getting all mature and serious about my work and life, but instead I keep on writing down all the fun posts ideas I have in mind. That’s also a good way to start a year, right? And as far as I can tell, they will be quite fun! I love the idea of resolutions and quite envy people who follow them, but I know for sure, I will not go to the gym every day and cut out from my diet tones of Carmel and Pralines ice-cream and fries, so this year I decided to focus on the general direction I want to take:

More ideas put into action, more productive work, more photos, more traveling, more love and caring, more organising, more happiness…and less everything negative. And I also wich you all of that!

We all know that the New Year presents a great opportunity to start something new and it opens the door for new ideas so to celebrate that I have finished creating my PORTFOLIO. Yupppii! As promised, last year here (words are very much trackable on the internet so it’s better to keep our promisses, right?) it is ready and can be viewed here! I’m also quite happy with the logo and graphic design and would love to hear your thoughts. I know that there is a lot of space for improvement in terms of both quantity and quality, so in the next few months I am planning to improve it. I have to say I’m quite excited about 2015 in general and I feel it’s going to be a great year, after all as they say…the best way to predict the future is to create it, so let’s do it!



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  1. Filipek70 says:

    Hello ,hello …..:))))a to nie jest już perfekcyjnie działający blog ????:))))))))))))Aga, bo ja tu doła łapię, że hej …sto lat za murzynami jestem :)))))))) w porównaniu do twoich umiejętności ogarniania internetowych kruczków :)))) wszystkiego dobrego ci na ten rok życzę …from bottom of my heart :))))

    • Aga says:

      Hello Aguś! Dziękuję Ci za miłe słowa I również życzę wszystkiego najlepszego w nowym roku! haha no co Ty! To wcale nie jest takie high tech jak się może wydawać 😛 no i przydatne jeśli się chce iść w tym kierunku…a wręcz niezbędne! I tak długo zwlekałam. W razie czego, służę pomocą! Buziaki 🙂

  2. Amy says:

    I love your portfolio.. it’s very “you” and certainly has your signature all over it. Congrats and here’s to a beautiful 2015!

  3. Oh my! SO pretty!
    Have a great start of the year, dear Aga*


  4. Marilen says:

    I love everything about it! Bravo! Happy New Year dear friend


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