11 January 2016

Happy New Year, plans and guilty thoughts

new year (1 of 1)Hello everyone and a very, very happy New Year to all of you! How was your Holiday break? Have you recharged your batteries a bit?

I am surprised, that I actually managed to stick to my plan of staying offline for the entire Holiday break (apart from some occasional insta moments (of course) but those are simply unavoidable!. As much as I love and am addicted to the online world, it felt incredibly good, not to think about capturing the moments with my phone or camera, but actually living them. Seems like we are all longing for more authenticity and the time we spend enjoying the life, like we used to do before the internet! Remember those times when all we had to think about was decorating the Christmas tree, with a random mix of not exactly matching balls and colorful lights? The times when noone really cared about the trends, colors, styling and photographing the entire process  min. 3 months earlier, so you are on time to share it?

Yep those, offline times.

It definitely feels good to turn off your social media and just don’t care about making each step of our life blog-post worth, with a ‘white balance’ fix. On the other hand – do you feel like we might be missing out when we are offline, rather than taking part in creating the beautiful world that inspires us? It’s like all of your friends are having a massive, fabulous Party and you are the one at home in your pyjamas watching tv. Do you see what I mean? I have to be honest – it does feel this way for me, but only for the first few hours (ok…maybe days!) then I relax and realize how much these breaks are helpful!

I had a little bit of time to think about blogging, where and how I see it, what I love about it and what has to change in 2016. I came to the conclusion that the balance between the two worlds – ‘fabulous Party’ vs often not so pretty ‘pyjama moment’, is crucial. I need both to truly find joy and appreciate what I do. During the occasional pyjama break I have time to reflect on the ‘fabulous Party’ and then comes the powerful moment when I can’t wait to get dressed and join in!

interior styling (1 of 1)This moment came today, a few days later than I was planning to, but the Holiday break got slightly out of control 😉 It happens. I woke up and I felt the power and energy to return, to make it rock and shine! I am full of ideas and plans for the new year and as I am writing this I can’t wait to realize them! If I had stayed online during the Holiday, I doubt I would be having this kind of fresh approach right now, so I can only be happy that my plan worked out.

So let’s speak about the New Year! 

It will still take me a while to finish the list of what I want from 2016, but here are a few things I’m planning to focus on:

1. I’ve been dreaming about having a little Passion shake online store, so I really hope to take this direction in 2016. I don’t have a clear vision yet, more like thousands of ideas dancing around my head but I guess, it’s a good start.

2. Vary the blog’s content – it seems like the blog has been dominated by the DIY projects in the last few months – and as much as I love DIY posts, I don’t want to make it the core of Passion shake. It started as a place dedicated to interiors, styling, lifestyle and DIYs and I want to continue the vibe! I remember feeling SO excited about finding inspiration online and curating posts with inspiring images, that I definitely want to make it happen again.

3. Take on new opportunities – there have been a few opportunities I had to refuse last year because of lack of time (or shall I say… stepping out of my comfort zones).  I am planning to change it in 2016 and be more brave to take on new, exciting projects.

4. Collaborate more – I really believe that the bloggers work is more fun when you are sharing your experience with other creatives – so I’ll be looking for this kind of possibilities. If you have any ideas, I’m all ears!

5. Engage more – one of the great things about blogging is being connected to each other. In the last few months I’ve been really bad with visiting my favorite blogs and being a part of the gang. This is what I want (and need!) to take care of in 2016 because I miss it a lot.

These are only some of the new years  thoughts and resolutions related to the blog. Of course there is another list with points like – travel more…, read more…. and loose half of my weight… but I will spare you the details! haha

Once I jump back in, I know that new ideas will start exploding in my head like the fireworks! I definitely want to do MORE but with a conscious balance between the beautiful, online world and the dirty dishes. I guess I could say I just want to make it right this year.

What are your plans for 2016? Will you also be looking to create more balance?

Pictures: Agata Dimmich / Passion shake


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  1. Having this be my first “blogmas” I know what you mean about having to style and set up your home in a certain way. I did most of my posts in November and they didn’t even feel Christmasy at the time! Next year I am hoping to feel less online oriented and more in the moment oriented!
    xoxo Annie

    • Aga says:

      haha I love the Blogmas name – it pretty much sums it up! 😉 I totally agree with you, but then after almost 3 years of blogging I can’t imagine to just go with the flow, and end up without pretty, styled photo memories (this is when my addiction really comes out!) The best thing is to find the balance – the more I blog, the more I understand that it’s the key to the happiness in our job 🙂 Wishing you a great and inspiring start of the year Annie! Hugs x

  2. So happy to hear, you’ve treated yourself with offline time, I’m in that boat too. Going unplugged is essential to regain renewed eager and inspiration. Sounds like the most wonderful goals for 2016, I’m more than sure, that whatever you decide to get yr hands in, your will gain great success!
    Big hug,

    • Aga says:

      Aww that’s so sweet of you Mette – thank you so much for your words of encouragement! 🙂 It was the longest break I’ve taken in the last 3 years and I guess the only real one because I even managed to stay away from instagram for a whole week (who would have thought?). But now i’ts time to get back and rock and roll the 2016 😀 Wishing you ALL the best with all the new projects! Hugs xo


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