22 September 2016

DIY Component Wall Clock

A wall clock is one of those decor elements every home needs. How else would we know it’s coffee o’clock? Favourite show on TV? Deadline coming or time to walk with a dog?


Knowing that it’s a certain time of the day, when certain things have to be done has a way of snapping me into action, unless… I’m checking it on my phone, where all the social media temptation awaits! In order to avoid the urge to spend my time ‘working’ on Instagram, rather than getting things done, I have decided to make myself a real clock. Now I can keep on track simply by having a quick look at the wall where it hangs. Magic! You might remember those ancient methods from your history classes. Just kidding – Clocks are still totally in!

If you would like to design craft your own clock design from scratch like I did, follow the tutorial below:

You will need:

DIY Component Wall Clock


1.First of all we will need to drill a hole in a wooden round piece, right in the middle. Make sure to measure it well.

DIY Component Wall Clock

2. Cover half of the round wooden piece with a paper and secure it with a painter’s tape.

DIY Component Wall Clock

3. Use granite paint to cover the remaining half of the wooden piece with a speckled pattern.

DIY Component Wall Clock

4. Glue the back part of the clock mechanism to the wooden plank using super glue.

DIY Component Wall Clock

5. Drill a hole at the top of the wooden plank to hang the clock.

DIY Component Wall Clock

6. Attach the round part to the clock mechanism

DIY Wall Clock

7. At the end place the clock’s hands in the front part of your design.

Make Wall Clock

Wall Clock DIY

Make it: Component Wall Clock

Project, Styling and Photos: Agata Dimmich for Homedit



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  1. Super cute and simple! Will try it with a cork plate. Maybe it works as well.
    Love, Rahel

    • Aga says:

      Hello Rahel, I think it would look great – please let me know when you finish, would love to see your design 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  2. Gina says:

    Do you have to take the clock apart to change the battery?`


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