I’ve been thinking a lot lately about creativity and it’s importance for all of us, multi-craftual people. And I came to one simple conclusion – It’s a drug. Beware – it can change your life.
What is creativity? I like to define it as expressing yourself through bringing new ideas to life in whatever possible way. In fact ‘whatever’ is what makes it fun!
My life has been a rollercoaster in the last few years, with a lot of experimenting, personal exploring and learning. Leaning how to mange my creativity. I started blogging as a hobby to share my thoughts and projects that only my boyfriend and 3 very dedicated readers back in 2013 were able to digest. Whenever I would passionately uglify and photograph a corner of our rented apartment with my handmade anti-decorations, write a killing text of 95 words, press publish and force Felice to read it, I would almost always hear…. ‘it’s very, um…creative!’ So I guess I really needed a virtual space where I could turn my ideas into reality, learn and improve. “Fail, fail again, fail better”. Thinking and imagining simply wasn’t enough, I needed to make, express, style, photograph and share. Although looking back at those projects, they should have remained ideas for everyone’s sake!
I remember it like a trance – once I stepped into the creative world, I couldn’t get out. It became my passion and obsession, from this point it consumed all my time, making my life so much interesting and fulfilling! I still liked to go out on Friday nights and have a drink or five, but at the back of my mind I was planning my next projects.
“Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being, requires passion and commitment. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness: ecstasy.” – Rollo May, The Courage to Create.
See I told you it’s a drug! Good news is you can’t overdose it.
After moving to Italy, I can tell I have a full-time creative life – blogging, working as a content creator, stylist and photographer, part-time DIY-er with a passion for all-things-pretty. My idea of creativity is to come up with beautiful and inspiring concepts, play with colors, textures and expositions, style and photograph, tell visual stories through inspirational images and then of course share it all with you! You are the big part of my journey, making it so much more pleasent and meaningful! By following my inner voice, I got not only a new hobby and a job, but a whole new life.
I’m sure you can relate to my story if you live a creative life yourself, if not – keep searching and it will find you! One of the main components of the C-personality is novelty-seeking, so sing, draw, dress up, go places, photograph, brainstorm…make your life a happier place. If it worked for me, it will work for you too!
Do you believe being creative makes us happier? Are you creative?
Have a great day!
Styling and Photos : Agata Dimmich / Passion shake
:))) świetny tekst Agula :))) szkoda ,że moja kreatywność tak długo spała :))))) obudziła się chyba na ostatni dzwonek …i jest ostrożna ,ale wiem ,że rozwija mnie ciągle …czuję to wyraźnie …rzeczywiście to narkotyk ,ale oby każde uzależnienie dawało tyle dobrego człowiekowi :)))) buziole
Dokładnie! Ja też dość póżno się obudziłam…zawsze wiedziałam, że chciałabym robić coś kreatywnego w życiu, ale do końca nie miałam pomysłu cóż by to mogło być. Rysowałam, malowałam, pstrykałam fotki, dekorowałam, chodziłam na tańce (haha niczego mnie tam niestety nie nauczyli :P) aż pewnego dnia odkryłam co tak naprawdę mnie interesuje i przepadłam
Aguś, najważniejsze, że teraz już wiemy i idziemy w dobrym kierunku ;)) Lepiej póżno niż wcale