27 March 2014

My first attempt to watercolor

There is one thing I have to say before you start reading this post. Today was my first time working with watercolors EVER so don’t worry, I will not scare you with my masterpiece! At least not yet (laugh). Watercolor has always fascinated me because even the most simple smudge of color looks like art. What I know after today is that it takes time and repeated effort to get comfortable with it. And that making those artistic looking smudges, is not as easy as I thought. Anyway I can finally say I’ve made my first attempt. So let me tell you how it was. Being a beginner means you need to start somewhere, right? So I wasn’t trying to paint anything specific, I was just experimenting with different amounts of water versus paint to get the right ‘feeling’. And I have to admit, even though it wasn’t proper painting, I loved it! I will definitely continue mastering my skills to learn all the different techniques. Also, while painting…I came up with a few ideas to add watercolor touch to my Spring home decor. I have to tell you, it looks amazing in my head but you will need to come back in few days to see how it really turned out!
Do you have experience working with watercolor? 
Any tips for the beginners?

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  1. Aah! I’ve been meaning to get into watercolors! Not sure why I’m intimidated by them… but I totally agree that the simplest watercolors can look so artistic! Looking forward to seeing your masterpiece 🙂

    • Aga Tinca says:

      They might be a bit intimidating but once you start it’s a lot of fun. Haha I’m making some little Easter decorations out of what was meant to be my ‘masterpiece’ 😀

  2. Aga ja już widzę że ci się udało stworzyć coś pięknego ….pokazuj całość ..don’t be shy !!:)))))) ten mój wygrany obrazek też chyba farbami wodnymi był traktowany …też mi się właśnie te rozmycia w nim podobają :))))) będziesz musiała mi domalować coś do galerii:)))buziole

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Tworzę, tworzę… powiem Ci, że fajnie mi się maluje ale na razie jeszcze nie namalowałam niczego konkretnego 😛 Jutro część pierwsza tego co udało mi się zrobić 🙂

  3. Grey says:

    I’ve also been wanting to try my hand at watercolors! I would love to make my watercolor paintings to hang around the house. I love the colors you chose!

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Ohh I love watercolor art! I find it so inspiraing and it doesn’t look too difficult to paint… but I guess it takes more than one session to make it look arty-enough :))

  4. Sounds like you’re doing well! Like everything else, painting with watercolors becomes easier and easier each time 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    • Aga Tinca says:

      That was my first time and as much as I enjoyed I don’t think I will be able to call myself ‘an artist’ anytime soon ;)) Thanks for visiting Amy :)) Have a great day x

  5. Bardzo ładny teraz, czekam …….!

  6. Water colors are so fun! These colors are perfect too!

  7. Aga, jestem bardzo ciekawa efektow! Wow. Uwielbiam!


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