28 January 2014

Let’s write on the walls!

Let’s have some fun and write on the walls! You might think I’m crazy but I’m actually serious for once.
I remember when I was little, we got the keys to our new apartment and my parents, who always had fun party ideas, decided to throw a house warming party before the jobs start. It was a very RAW-theme party. I can still recall the party ‘decor’… raw gray walls, cement floors,  different mismatched chairs and armchairs, colorful balloons and  a lot of crayons and markers. What for? The main idea of the party was to color our “new world” ! It was so much fun, not only for the kids… Everyone would contribute with drawing something or writing something on the walls. Few weeks after the party, the walls got covered with the wallpapers but the secret messages stayed underneath forever.

But coming back to the main topic, recently I’ve been thinking that with all the typography framed on the walls, it could be even more fun to actually write on the walls. Don’t you think? I mean hand-write, no chalk paint or print-outs. Just you, a marker and a whole empty wall. Sounds scary? It might be, especially if you are not planning renovation anytime soon. 
See, that’s not for everyone, and I’m having some doubts if I would find the courage… But if you like this idea as much as I do, there are two ways to go – the brave one and the let’s say… less brave one.

Option no. 1 – WRITE!

Just take a marker and go for it – write, draw, go crazy! Do you have any favorite quotes? 


Option no. 2 – Erasable / removable writing

If you are not so brave but you don’t want to miss out on the writing and drawing fun, you can always attach post it notes to your walls or get an erasable board.


In both cases, our own handwriting gets on the walls. Now the question would be how brave are we? I guess I could start with the second option and see how comfortable I feel surrounded by my own hand-writing. Yeah, it might feel weird. Or maybe not? What do you think?

Do you like this idea?

Source: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

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  1. o matulu gdybym nawet chciała, to z moim bazgrzącym charakterem pisma wyszłaby kiszka straszna :))) ale znam kilka blogerek które mają designerski charakter pisma i mogą przyjść i mi powypisywać na ścianach :))))))))ale Ty masz fajnych rodziców !!!!! …ja myślałam o graffiti w nowym pokoju Kuby :)) co dzisiaj miałaś na obiad ???że tak spytam przy okazji :))))buziole

    • Aga Tinca says:

      No właśnie też się tego obawiam 😉 Jeden zły ruch reką i po dekoracji… i co z tym zrobić? 😀 W sumie, zawsze można tam coś potem powiesić 😛 Grafitti to też fajny pomyśł, a sam namaluje?
      U nas dzisiaj bolognese 😛 Makaroniarze! A u Was? 🙂

    • no nie wiem właśnie czy mam podjąć to ryzyko :))))) talent ma ukryty tzn jak chce to potrafi ,gorzej jak mu się nie chce :))))) u nas rosołek :)buziole

  2. Love the idea! It makes for very personal and simple decor.

    Where are the images from?

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  3. Jak byłam mała miałam w pokoju ścianę do mazania i rysowania. Dzięki temu inne ściany były bezpieczne;)

  4. To fajny pomysł! Chiałabym mieć odwagę, aby napisać na moich scianach! Ale chyba mniej trwała forma jest lepiej!

  5. Nice idea! The hard part is deciding what to write though!


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