14 March 2014

Feathers styling


Hello my dear friends! Are you ready for the weekend? Do you have any special plans? We have friends visiting from Berlin so it’s going to be crazy here! But before I switch to party mode I would like to share with you one of my dearest collections that brings to mind a little bit of spring. In January I was asked by lovely Gudy from Eclectic trends to contribute to her fun column ‘What do bloggers collect?’. Awesome! I’d been following the blog and the column for a long time, so it was a huge honor to appear in February issue. The only question was – what I was going to share? I collect many things, from flea market finds, through ceramics, glass vases, pink objects, tissue-papers, cushions but they all seemed not ‘presentable’ enough. So after thinking, and thinking, and thinking a bit more…
…I suddenly remembered about my colorful feathers! That was ‘it’. I thought it was the best choice as this little collection is one of my dearest and represents my passion for color. I hang the feathers on the tree branch on a white string, and displayed the rest using masking tapes. A little bit of styling, then snap, snap, snap with my camera and my collection was ready.
I’ve always had a thing for feathers, there is just something really magical about their soft and floaty nature that I am drawn to. I started creating my collection few years ago by adding pieces with interesting patterns and colors, found while traveling or in the craft shops. It’s colorful, it’s happy, and I think it’s perfect for spring! What do you think?
 Everyone is collecting something, consciously or unconsciously.
 I would love to know what you collect? 🙂 
Lots of love and remember to join our Giveaway 🙂 

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  1. Idada says:

    WOW! This is so much fun! Your styling is always beautiful.
    To answer your question, it’s so true about unconscious collections, I guess I also have a few at home. I like flowerpots, ceramics and original spoons… I’m always on a lookout for new pieces.
    Congrats for the feature and enjoy your weekend 🙂

    • Aga Tinca says:

      I’m still waiting for you to launch your blog! Your collections sound like a great starting point. I’m just saying 😉
      Thanks and same to you x

  2. Aga gratuluję pomysłu !!!!!!!!!!!! naprawdę świetna jest ta Twoja kolekcja !!!!! ja chyba niczego nie zbieram …chociaż myślę sobie ,że gdybym miała coś zacząć ,to byłyby to młynki wszelakiego rodzaju …ale muszą być takie ciekawe ,nie takie proste i oczywiste !!!! młynek musi mieć w sobie to coś !!!! może kolor tak jak Twoje piórka np 🙂 buziole

  3. Jaka ładna kolekcja! Dla mnie, jest wszytsko różowe, filiżanki i spodeki, torebki, koszyki…….:)

  4. Piórka uwielbiam. A te kolory, to Twoj znak rozpoznawczy:)

  5. Loved your contribution, Aga. It was such a nice collection to post! Thank you again! xx


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