15 April 2014

DIY Photo cards


Happy Tuesday everyone! Today I want to show you something really pretty. Some time ago I came up with a simple idea to make photo cards. I love photography so having a personalized card with a photo, taken by us sounds great, right? But for some reason I never made them before. Last week, when I was preparing little surprise packs to send to my lovely friends, who participated in the giveaway it suddenly hit me – this is the perfect occasion to make them! I chose some beautiful photos from the girls’ blogs, adjusted the size and light a little bit, printed, glued, added a bit of love and voilà! I think they turned out beautiful! With the Spring, Easter pictures on the cover they are also perfect for the upcoming holiday, don’t you think?



To make photo cards you will need:
1. Card stock or any other thick paper
2. Printed Photos
3. Double sided tape
4. Masking tapes
How I made them:
First I placed a double sided sticky tape at the back of the photos, I removed the protective paper from the tape and attached the photos to the cards. Then I decorated the edges using masking tapes. That’s it! 
The beautiful pictures on the cards belong to:
                       Picture of the egg by Aga / W cieniu starej jabloni
                       Picture of the flower pot by Ania / Anicja’s White Space
                       Picture of the yellow flowers by Ayda / Cafe no hut

 The fourth card for Joanna / Kawałki Mikroauki is not in the pictures because I made it a bit later but it’s also very beautiful! 
Have you ever made a photo card? What do you think about this idea? Would you like to receive one? 

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  1. Idada says:

    Lovely 🙂 I’ve never made a photo card but it’s a great idea and doesn’t seem to complicated which is another bonus 😉 Also nice pictures, both on the cards and of the cards xo

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Simple ideas are the best 🙂 Happy to hear that you like them. And yes, I totally agree about the pictures on the cards – so pretty! x

  2. Just hopped in from treasure box tuesday. I must say i absolutely love how crisp your photos are. The cards look wonderful. New follower from me ! 🙂

  3. Aguś ..pomysł po prostu rewelacja i jak zwykle człowiek zadaje sobie pytanie dlaczego JA na to nie wpadłam !!!!!! no ale na szczęście poznałam Ciebie :))) twoje zdjęcia są dopiero przepiękne !!!!!! buziole

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Dzięki 🙂 Najważniejsze, że Tobie się podoba :)) Jak już powstały to tak ślicznie, cukierkowo wyglądały, że musiałam im zrobić parę fotek. NO MUSIAŁAM! 😛 Oczywiście pomysł jak najbardziej możesz wykorzystać 😉 Buziaki!

  4. Christine says:

    When are you going to come over and give me photography tips Aga? LOVE your photos.. so happy you made cards with them!! Beautiful!

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Hi Christine, thank you 🙂 You are too sweet! But the cards that you can see in the pictures are actually made with my friends photos – very talented girls 🙂 hugs x

  5. Ola Zebra says:

    Świetnie to wygląda ;-)… boski pomysł… ale pomysłów to Ci nie brakuje ;-). Pozdrawiam i dobrego dnia 😉

    • Aga Tinca says:

      Oj często coś mi wpada do głowy tylko czasu brakuje na realizację wszystkiego 😛 O kartkach myślałam od zeszłego roku i dopiero teraz udało mi się je zrobić :)) Dzięki za miłe słowa! Buźka :*

  6. Świetna propozycja, wyglada to bardzo estetycznie.

    ps. uzupełniłam pytania.

  7. Przepiękne!:) Takie proste a takie piękne:)

  8. So easy and so pretty, that’s how I like diy.

    By the way, I love your diys, and your photos 🙂

  9. cafenoHut says:

    Finally, your wonderful package reached me. So cute. I loved everything which your brought together.
    Thank you so much. You are so kind…

    And you images are amazingly wonderful..

  10. Photo cards ARE so pretty. And such a personal way to send someone some love 🙂


  11. What a great idea. I love it.

  12. Amelia says:

    I love photography and I always print my pictures on A4 size photo paper so I can then cut and fold as cards. However, I like you idea better 🙂 Thanks!


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