29 January 2015

DIY Hearts, kisses, plants and coffee.

v-day plant passionshake36 (1 of 1)If you don’t like candies, you might want to close your eyes, as this post contains a serious amount of sugar! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

When it comes to gifts, sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, and they save our lives, when we are at the last minute rush. I don’t know about you, but I find myself in this kind of situations, more often than I’d like, stressing about the gifts until the very last moment. It’s not because I don’t plan or think about them before, but because they often don’t match my initial impossible idea. Does this ever happen to you? Then comes a point when you have to be fast, creative (and very effective!) plus often use what you already have at home. If this is you, on Valentine’s Day – I have an idea, you might like. We all heard the phrase ‘love grows’, ‘love blooms’, so why not give our Valentines, a flowering plant that they can take care of and watch grow, personalized with a DIY Valentine’s stick?

v-day plant passionshake34 (1 of 1)

Your  DIY Valentine’s stick that can be personalized in many different ways. You might want to change it’s shape, color, size, and add your message. It’s all up to you.

You will need:

-Wooden Stick

-Thick colorful paper

– Double-sided tape

…  and a KISS!

v-day plant passionshake22 (1 of 1)

v-day plant passionshake35 (1 of 1)

 Survived the sugar dose? With this post I am also happily joining ‘Plants and coffee’ Urban Jungle bloggers edition.

I’ll be back with some more Valentine’s Day when I return to Italy, next week.


Have a love-ly day!


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  1. Ida says:

    So pretty Aga! 🙂 This kind of sugar dose is always welcome. Great pic x

  2. Igor says:

    What a sweet pink visual feast!! Thank you Aga for joining in the Urban Jungle Bloggers fun! Hope you enjoyed it! Hugs to you!

  3. I like this girly pink so much 🙂
    Have a wonderful February,
    dear Aga… spring is coming
    closer, yay!


  4. Judith says:

    Awww so much cuteness, Aga! It feels like spring (and Valentine’s day!) is coming soon… Thank you for being part of the Urban Jungle Bloggers!

  5. Filipek70 says:

    BUZIOL …pomysł jest świetny …z rodzaju najprostsze jest najpiękniejsze :))))

  6. Hey Aga! I joined UJB for the first time this month and have been going through the blogger posts! Love your post as it’s so cheery and it’s so creative that you incorporated a DIY post in as well. I also remember you from one of the BYW courses I took last year so hi again! 🙂 🙂 x

    • Aga says:

      Hello Zhi, Thanks so much! I remember your blog, good to see you back after a break 🙂 Going to check your ujb post now! Hugs x


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