30 January 2014

DIY – Lemon hand lotion

lemonlotion-passionshake1 (1 of 1)
What can be better on a dark, moody day like today, than injecting a little bit of energetic lemon into our lives? I love lemons not only for their vivid, yellow color but also for miraculous properties. With the harsh winters we experience here in Poland (-20’C last year, I swear!) it’s always good to have some skincare treats at home. And since I like to try new, fun things at home (in my little apothecary) I want to share with you my new, easy peasy lemon squezzy hand lotion πŸ˜€
Packed in a little container with a heart on top of it, it can be a cute Valentine’s day gift idea for your friends and family. Who said Valentine’s day is only for ‘the one and only’?Β 
lemonlotion-passionshake4 (1 of 1)
DIY Lemon hand lotion
You will need:
– Glycerin
– 6 table spoons of lemon juice
– Empty, air tight container
Simply mix the ingredients and place in the container. Then apply to your hands and enjoy the smoothing, moisturizing effect.Β 
lemonlotion-passionshake3 (1 of 1)

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed my little treat today. I have to say I like the color combination of yellow, pink, white with pop of green against light gray backgruond. What do you think about it? Β Β Β 

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Linking up to these lovely parties!


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  1. the smell must be heavenly!!!and I love the packaging:-)

  2. mmmm….przydałby mi się taki:) tylko nie wiem, czy bym go wcześniej nie zjadła:)

  3. This sounds like a perfect hand lotion. I bet it smells wonderful and your photos are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this at Sewlicious Home Decor! I pinned it to the party board and the Spa board! πŸ™‚


  4. Clarissa says:

    I also love this color combination and your simple and cute packaging πŸ™‚
    Where do you buy glycerin?

  5. Mmmm! Łatwy i ładny!

  6. That’s too easy! I can’t wait to try out with my teen, she’ll love this. Thanks for sharing, coming from What to do Weekends. Please come see me at gurvygreen.com

  7. I’m always looking for new lotions to try, having sensitive skin, so I can’t wait to try out this one!

  8. I need to try this! (I’m addicted to hand cream and lemons!)

  9. Laura says:

    I bet this smells great! Also, your photos are beautiful. xoxo

  10. Hi Aga! Wonderful tutorial, i love using lemon on my hands, it’s made my nails so strong recently! Can you send me an email? I have a proposition for you claire (at) hearthandmade (dot) co (dot) uk xo.

  11. I think this is an amazing idea! I love the idea of a lemon hand lotion, as it will not only moisturize our skin, it will also leave a zesty and citrus-like smell onto our hands, which I think is just simply marvelous. Thanks for this tutorial. πŸ˜€
    Weston Adams

  12. How much Glycerin is needed?

  13. Maia Love says:

    I was just wondering what size jar that is. It seems like a great size so I’d like to use the same one when I recreate this recipe as Christmas presents for my friends! Thanks so much for a great recipe!

    • Aga says:

      Hello, wow so happy you want to recreate it! πŸ™‚ no, they weren’t big, about 7 cm. Hope your friends are going to like it! xo

  14. Melanie says:

    How much glycerin?

    • Aga says:

      Hi Melanie, It should be enough to get the consistency of the lotion and fill the container. it’s glycerin based lotion so you can’t be wrong with the amount πŸ™‚ Hope this helps!


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