24 January 2022

At home – our minimalist kitchen and dining area

Well, hello on Monday. How was your weekend? I hope you had a wonderful one.

We have spent most of it at home which inspired me to create blogposts series where from time to time I will show you a few captures of our apartment.

I always enjoy having a peek into other’s beautiful homes, seeing the new angle, new light, little changes in the areas so I figured why not to do the same here? It might be a good way of documenting how our home changes over time and hopefully inspire some of you with my stylings and interior ideas.

Having said that, here are a few angles of our kitchen and dining room. All styled – yes, it does not always look like that, even though I wish it did! But what you see below in the photos is how I love my kitchen to be – clean, minimalist with my favourite kitchen accessories displayed. We all know that it’s hard (if not impossible) to keep the real, ‘lived’ home in this way all the time but that shouldn’t stop us from occasionally making it look the way we love it, even if it’s just for a brief moment. I do it, then I shoot and then eventually everything goes back to ‚normal’, a bit less minimal than here *wink*

How do you like your kitchen to look? Styled and minimalist or everyday, natural and ‘lived’ look?

Wishing you a wonderful Monday!

You can view more of my work in my portfolio.

Styling and Photography: Agata Dimmich


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  1. joshi says:

    this blog was very nice thanks for giving us…..

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