30 May 2014

New blog design and free printables

I’m the worst when it comes to choosing something I truly care about. In this case I’m speaking about my blog design. My current template and header, and everything else you see on Passion shake is designed entirely by me, with zero html (or xhtml as I found out recently) skills. Well I guess it’s pretty clear but I thought I would say this, just in case you had some doubts or thought differently.Β 
I’m a typical woman, really bad at deciding what I want and even worst at communicating my ideas further. Guilty as charged, 6 months later from the moment I decided I had to redesign, I’m here looking at my old template and still not sure what to do. Do you want to know why it takes so long? When it comes to things like this I’m a perfectionist. I wanted the new design to be flawless, super-extra-ordinary so I’ve been looking and looking and looking and even having it already professionally designed to find out that my ideas are unrealistic. Boom! I was forced to change my approach. I finally understood that it doesn’t have to be outstanding to be nice and I will like it as long as it’s functional. No super-powers, just clean and simple. So yes, it seems like in a few weeks time my blog will be finally getting a new design with some professional help. So exciting! I really can’t wait to share it with you! In the meantime, I want to show you this pretty free printable calendar, found on Oh the lovely things. I know it’s June already but you might be bored with your current calendar, so why not change it? πŸ™‚ You can download it from HERE.
Have you thought of changing your blog’s look? Have you gone through the process of redesigning it? Any tips or advise? If you want to share your experience, I’m all ears!



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  1. oh, I understand that very well, this is exactly what I am doing (over last 6 month) and please note that 6 month ago I change design too πŸ™‚ constant change to improve things it killing me πŸ™‚ so, now, I cannot wait to see your design as I am sure it will be GLAM and it will inspire me too πŸ™‚

  2. dołączam do grupy:) ja też już od pół roku planuję zmiany i nie mogę podjąć finalnej decyzji:) Czekam na Twój zupełnie nowy look:)

  3. Aga Tinca says:

    A mi się wydawało, że to tylko ja jestem taka niezdecydowana πŸ˜‰ Cieszę się że mnie rozumiecie dziewczyny!

    @ Karolina – z tym glamem to bardzo bym chciała ale w praktyce może być różnie πŸ™‚
    @ Ola – ja też czekam i już naprawdę doczekać się nie mogę więc mam nadzieję, że tym razem się uda!


  4. ja też chciałam coś zmienić ,ale JA to dopiero Andzia w Czechach jestem :))))) twoja oprawa bloga już jest profesjonalna kochana :))))buziole


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